*All material Copyrighted and registered with Writers Guild


Trying desperately to find his place in the world, a biracial teenager contends with family dysfunction, friendship, and sexuality in the time of Covid.

Black List Evaluation

“Ko puts forth a highly specific world full of vivid scene descriptions, emotionally complicated characters, and thought-provoking relationships. The imagery in this script was incredibly unique and dramatic verging on the surreal (the ballet dancers, Ulla swimming with the mermaid tail, the home videos of Ko and Beth). The turbulent inner lives are present within the characterization of James, Ko, and Riot – the core of what they are feeling in a given moment feels well-communicated and visceral. Finally, the depiction of character relationships provides a well-rounded perspective of why these people are drawn to each other and how their respective struggles create conflict. This is mainly seen in Ko and Riot’s distancing from each other, and the ebbs and flows within James and Ko’s parent/child dynamic.”

*CineStory winner
*The Academy’s Nicholl Fellowship semi-finalist

In the small rural town of Temple, Arkansas, Willie Davis commits a hideous act of violence in the presence of his sister Grace. Willie, now reduced to the mental state of a helpless child after a failed suicide attempt, awaits his scheduled execution on death row. Grace is once again forced into the position of defending the brother that has made her life a
troubled one from the moment he entered it.

Grace’s journey is one of moral complexity and heartfelt emotion. Grace and those she has come to love and trust all have to face the inevitable; Willie Davis will be dealt the ultimate punishment. Inspired by a true story, Killing Willie Davis raises timeless issues of crime and punishment told from an intimate family perspective.

Black List Evaluation
“This story is so riveting and original, with a great use of non linear story telling to unroll the story in a smart way. The story exposes a shady side of the legal system, that of executing prisoners who are mentally incompetent in other words those who cannot appreciate the punishment they will soon face. The family dynamic, between the sisters, the sick mother and Willie is so interesting, as is Willie’s sisters relationship with her husband Red. There is really good action and never a dull moment and really well written dialogue and in general.

This story could be told on a grand scale at a major studio or could do well with an Independent Producer. The role of Willie would be an opportunity for a male Black actor to have a breakout role that also displays their range. A really really great script
that I would love to see on the big screen.”

(Psychological thriller)

Log Line
Trapped in a remote cabin by a pack of vicious attack dogs who have mauled her boyfriend,
a timid young woman must confront her inexplicable connection to the Alpha dog,
and ultimately tap into her suppressed instincts to face down her fear and reclaim her own life.

Black List Evaluation
“One of the better things about dogs is its fascinating concept- the human-animal connection as a spiritual element. Similar to DON’T BREATHE, this film is highly tense throughout, making for a gripping read and a real sense that the protagonists are trapped in a house without options.”

“The delayed reveals throughout are all well-executed and enrich the story, keeping it surprising. The flashback is the most fascinating. It hints at the reason Chrissy allows herself to be manhandled by Jack’s character; he’s villainous but not one-note – clearly possessing a heart that he refuses to show.”

“The dogs is in good shape because of its low budget and clean hook (the premise is right there in the title); coming in around $1M or less, it would be set up nicely to hit the genre festival circuit and score a limited theatrical/VOD distribution deal.”


A woman with a troubled childhood discovers her only means of expressing love is through her preparation and serving of food. Her long and difficult journey “home” leads her back to the kitchen, where she finally finds peace.

Black List Evaluation
“The writer is very talented at crafting dramatic scenes that are multi-layered as well as poignant. There are few scenes that feel extraneous, which helps the pace of the story. Antonya is a complex, sympathetic character that is hard not to root for. Her experience is one everyone can relate to in that she must not only deal with the consequences of her actions, but also the difficulties life can throw at you. The writer handles character development and dialogue with ease, making the script a joy to read. The supporting characters are entertaining and
bring a lot of life to the story.”

“The script is a cross between WAITRESS and JULIE & JULIA in that the writer vividly describes food and the love that goes into cooking. The story is well-written, weaving supporting characters and their story lines in and out of Antonya’s life almost flawlessly. Centering the story around a Latina family is refreshing to see but make no mistake, the issues that affect Antonya transcend race/demographics. With a few changes to the story, the script has the potential to attract a lot of interest and would make an entertaining, satisfying indie film.”


An American woman falls victim to the US Rendition program when the CIA kidnaps her husband while they vacation in Italy.

Black List Evaluation
“The overall plot is well structured and tight. Little time is wasted on irrelevant subplots which keeps the film moving at a quick pace. Elise’ struggle is palpable and she’s a sympathetic protagonist the audience will pull for. She’s tough, gritty but not superhuman which makes her battle to set her husband free feel all the more real. The twist with Omar’s secret family is intriguing and keeps the audience guessing a little while longer.”

(Comedy – TV Pilot)

Carol and Tommy make Brooklyn’s best hero sandwiches by day and find themselves unwittingly representing the SANDWICHED generation by night. Pat, Tommy’s dad, commits one outrageous exploit after another. This ends up forcing him to bunk in his grandkids bedroom. Tommy’s dysfunctional sister and the group of eccentric friends and employees who they interact with on a daily basis only complicate Tommy and Carol’s already chaotic life.

Black List Evaluation
“The opening sequence does a great job of introducing and establishing the tone that will dominate this script, a chaotic mess that reminds one a little of the British series Spaced in its willingness to move from location-to-location in search of that next comedic set piece. The dialogue throughout the script is solid, never flashy or showy but also never distracting; it’s naturalistic and fluid in a way that makes the script an easy read and a fun ride. When the script moves away from comedy, though, it really shows the signs of what makes this concept distinct compared to others of its ilk. The emotional scenes land with full force, when Pat breaks down at the club, his elderly incontinence finally getting the best of him in a scene that starts out hilarious and quickly, seamlessly shifts to heartbreaking.”